Classic puddings, and a couple of contemporary dessert favourites.

Baked Apple Custard Pudding

Baked custard pudding with apple and cinnamon.

Vinegar pudding (asynpoeding)

Sweet-and-sour baked pudding.

Saucy baked orange pudding

Baked pudding flavoured with tangy orange sauce.

Custard Dumplings (vla sponskluitjies)

Derivative of traditional South African Souskluitjies (dumplings).

Leap year pudding (skrikkeljaar poeding)

Baked pudding, in honour of leap year.

Chocolate mousse

A very good chocolate mousse, that sets quickly.

Gillaume Nicoli’s vanilla crème brûlée

Crème brûlée made without a bain-marie (water bath)

Buttermilk pudding with orange sauce (karringmelk poeding met lemoensous)

Traditional South African baked pudding, that is light with a creamy, spongy texture.

Baked fruit salad pudding (vrugte-kelkie poeding)

The comforting richness of a wintery oven-baked pudding, combined with the fresh flavours of fruit salad.

Apple buttermilk pudding

Lovely caramel flavour combined with soft, melt-in-your-mouth texture

Balsamic strawberries

Balsamic vinegar is the perfect dressing for early-season strawberries.

Simple sago pudding

Simple and satisfying sago pudding

Sago pudding with meringue topping

Combining cinnamon and apricot jam, this sago pudding is creamy, comforting, and quite representative of South African cooking.

Malva pudding (Malvapoeding)

Rich and syrupy, with a soft spongy texture.

Strawberry mousse and meringue

Strawberry mousse, combined with crispy meringue